In the case of a dental emergency requiring quick treatment from your dentist please contact us between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. from Monday to Thursday and between 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Friday. We will do our best to provide you with the needed care to help relieve your pain.
- When should you be seen for a dental emergency?
If your situation does not require immediate intervention but the pain is still sharp, call your dentist at Santé dentaire VMR to get his professional advice and make an appointment.Here are the typical problems that may require the emergency intervention of a dentist:
- Food stuck between two teeth
- Dental abscess
- Severe pain in contact with cold or heat
- Loss of tooth filling
- Movable tooth
- Medication or pain reliever that doesn’t produce the desired effect
- Abnormal symptoms after surgery
- Severe jaw pain
- Chipped or broken tooth
- Severe swelling
- Significant bleeding gums
- Broken veneer or crown
- Should I go to the hospital or to the emergency dental clinic?
Your emergency dental clinic can see you fairly quickly within opening hours, but if you are experiencing swelling or bleeding that doesn’t stop, possibly have a broken jaw, a heart attack or difficulty breathing, get to a hospital as soon as possible.
- Some advice
When a dental emergency occurs, there are a few rules to follow. Here are five tips to help you in the event of more common mishaps:
- A broken adult tooth should be kept damp (wet) at all times. If you can, try to put the tooth back in its place without touching the root. If it is not possible, place it between the cheek and the gum, in milk, or use a dental preservation product. Next, go to your emergency dental clinic.
- In the case of a chipped tooth, rinse the mouth immediately with hot water to clean the affected area. Apply cold compresses on your face to reduce the swelling.
- If you bite your tongue or your lips, gently clean the area with hot water and apply a cold compress.
- For toothache, rinse your mouth with hot water to clean it. Use dental floss to remove any food stuck between the teeth. Do not put an aspirin on teeth or on sore gums.
- For objects wedged in the mouth, try to remove them gently with dental floss, but don’t try to do it with sharp instruments.
Whenever you need dental emergency care, make an appointment with Santé Dentaire VMR, THE best dental clinic in the Town of Mount Royal! Our experienced team of dentists offers you a wide range of general and cosmetic dentistry services.